
Showing posts from 2015

Rich Dad Poor Dad - by Robert T. Kiyosaki

I think this book is really best. First of all i thought the language is hard to understand but of course its not. This is about the two mindset of Rich Dad - know a little for all and Poor Dad - know a lot for one (specialization). The conflict between this two mindset really show us the reality of nowadays life. Are we categorized in Rich Dad mindset or Poor Dad mindset? What i love most is we need to be financially literate so that we can be financially free. What the used of being highly paid but at the end of the month we always in check mate position. So, now i'm doing it. First invest in myself by learn and learn new things. What the biggest treasure we have is our MIND. We need to gain more knowledge so that we know what to do next. Look forward to finish reading this book and the others.

Sandakan Nature City: 1 day trip

Sandakan War Memorial At early 9.30 I start driving to Mile 8. First place on list is Sandakan War Memorial Park. Thank God it’s free entry. So we just enjoy ourselves, taking a lot of pictures besides we learn some about history of Sandakan. We can see old boiler, alternator & excavator, Japanese quartermasters store and kitchen, concrete water tanks without water and small house a.k.a museum. There is also lake with small turtle and Lotus flower. Sandakan Crocodile Farm Bored already, we go to the next place. Second place is Sandakan Crocodile Farm just near to Sandakan War Memorial Park. The ticket fee is RM7 for adult and RM5 for children. Not only crocodile we can see here, but there are ostrich, fish, birds, goat, hedgehog, chicken and so on. But the place is quiet scary. The bridges were too old and feel like anytime it will broke. Just imagine what happen if the bridge broke and crocodile already open big its mouth. Woo. Scary dew! But so far it’s still ok an...

Cerita si anak laut - by Sherry

Sebuah keluarga tinggal di hujung dunia Tiada harta mahupun tanah Rumah usang menjadi saksi Derita di masa muda hingga kini Hidup mereka teramat susah Hasil lautan punca rezeki Di kala musim tengkujuh menjengah Perut harus diikat rapi Hidupnya penuh duri dan liku Setiap keinginan pasti didahului kesusahan Namun akhirnya akan ada jalan keluar Kerana Dia yang Maha mengasihani insan yang terus berjuang Kemiskinan Di mana semua kemahuan terbatasi Di mana semua keinginan tinggal angan angan Dimana keperluan takkan terpenuhi Perut terpaksa menahan lapar Perlu bergelap setiap malam Hujan menjadi saksi semalam Derita hidup penuh kelam Dia hanya insan kerdil Namun semangat tetap utuh Menjadi perwira di medan perang Penghapus kemiskinan tegar Cita, cinta dan impiannya setinggi awan Ingin makan makanan yang paling enak dan mengenyangkan Belayar menjelajah ke seluruh dunia Dan menuntut ilmu sehingga penghujung jalan cerita